Thinking and Feeling?- Both!

Being complex and diplomatic sometimes, you should embrace and express all sides of yourself…

Photo by Matheus Bertelli on pexels.

Paradoxical Elements-

INFJs are unfamiliar. Hot and cold behavior is not uncommon for INFJs. This paradox is often seen in the way INFJs tend to be private, reserved, and enigmatic, but also warm and welcoming towards others. As gifted people readers, INFJs are often aware of other people’s intentions, can detect lies easily, and can see the motive behind an action. Unfortunately, sometimes people do bad things to one another and this makes them cynical, angry, and even depressed.

INFJs are so scatter-minded that they’re often incoherent and illogical in conversations. The only time they sound coherent is when they prepare in advance. If they have a moment to collect their thoughts, they can be a passionate and confident speaker. They have won almost every speaking or debating competition they’ve ever been in and took acting classes for many years.

According to personality types, INFJs are the type most likely to create a social movement or cultural change. Altruism is in the DNA of INFJs. Every day, in some small way, INFJs are fighting for others, at least for a cause. If they feel they can help someone or if they feel someone is being unfairly treated, they turn into a gladiatrix almost instantly in a good and bad way. INFJs are known as “advocates” and “protectors” for a reason.

INFJs are big-picture thinkers. Sometimes they’re seen as psychics or prophets due to their intuitive ability to predict how things will unfold. However, INFJs don’t know how they know and have a tendency to gloss over details and small things. For example, they often forget to eat breakfast or to reply to someone’s text because they’re so focused on the bigger parts of the day. Paradoxically, INFJs are perfectionists. Whenever they’re working on something they care about, they try to make everything perfect, even though they know perfection is unattainable.

INFJs are dreamers. I’ve always been that person whose “head is in the clouds”. Despite all the air-headed names INFJs get called, they have a great success record because of their ability to turn their dreams into actions. INFJ respects deeds over words and applies the same expectation to themselves.

Some of the greatest dreamers and change-makers of the world were INFJs — Martin Luther King, Mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela, and Mahatma Gandhi.

Photo by cottonbro on pexels.

Both Can Be Friendly Companions-

Feeling and Thinking categories are about how we make decisions. Thinkers tend to base their choices on objective principles and impersonal facts, while Feelers give more weight to personal concerns and people. The Judging preference for closure and completion also means INFJs are generally “doers” as well as “dreamers”, giving them a rare combination of vision and practicality. So INFJs can dream up ideas, based on human values, and have the drive and practicality to translate those concepts into real results.

When you combine the INFJ’s love of ideas and ability to understand the abstract theory (introverted intuition) and interest in logic and facts (introverted thinking), you have a personality type who is drawn to both the arts and the sciences because these fields give INFJs an opportunity to think and reflect, which they love to do because both those functions are introverted. As a ‘thinking feeler’ you bring a whole set of different skills to the table that others do not — you can understand the rational and logical side of an argument as much as the need for a humanistic approach, which makes you balanced.


These contrasting preferences and talents can make INFJs appear to have two sides to their personality and, for the INFJs themselves, can lead to a confusing quest for their ideal career. With a passion for communication, expression, and helping people, as well as a keen interest in science, INFJs have a wealth of options open to them, limited only by their own interests, goals, and dreams.

